
Oral Care

What is oral hygiene?

Oral hygiene enables our mouth to have a better look and smell , in other words:

  • Your teeth are clean and no remaining residuals on them.
  • Your gum is pink and they don’t bleed or hurt while brushing or flossing your teeth.
  • Bad mouth smell will not occur.
  • If you are experiencing gum bleeding while flossing or brushing,that might be caused by gum disease.

How to apply oral care? 

Oral care is one of the most important things you could do for the health of your teeth and gum. Having healthy teeth allows you to have not only a good look and feelings,but also to eat and talk better. Regular and correct tooth brushing and flossing enables you prevent    problems before they occur. Compared to the treatment cost of problems, applying regular care is a cheaper method.